Saturday, December 25, 2010

Another Year

This is a slice of life character study by director Mike Leigh but you might actually get more enjoyment if you stare at a slice of pizza for two hours. I think they call it "Another Year" because you start watching it in one year and it feels like another year before the damn thing is over. As you can tell, I am not fond of this film.
But I will stipulate that there are many critics and even a movie friend (John) who's taste I respect who found a lot to like about this film. They're wrong, but I stipulate to the disagreement as a matter of taste.
There is a nice working class couple in England. They have a grown son, friends at work, old school chums, some relatives that they don't see often. They talk, garden, have get-togethers, garden some more, and chat about some stuff that happens to them all in the course of two hours. OH MY GOD! I was ready to wash down a handful of valium with a bottle of scotch by the end of this voyeuristic snoozefest.
Mike Leigh is a respected director, the actors are fine, including Jim Broadbent, Ruth Sheen and Leslie Manville, who is being considered for an Oscar (not by me, baby).
Read a review by one of the snooty critics who like this movie and decide for yourself. But I'm telling you, The Emperor is naked and he's boring and irrelevent.

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