Friday, November 26, 2010


If the doctor will no longer write you a prescription for Ambien, by all means buy a DVD copy of Sofia Coppola's new film "Somewhere". I guarantee you, you'll sleep like a baby. This pointless character study (I think it's a character study because it's really not anything else) follows a mega-star actor (Stephen Dorff) through his pointless life doing pointless things. The point? Well, I guess it's that being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be. Boo hoo. Trouble is that he's a nice guy, eats well, lives in a hotel, gets laid a lot, has a daughter who is pretty cool, and is generally pampered. He just can't "find himself". Again, boo-freakin'-hoo. All of which would be fine if it was presented with anything resembling story-telling skill. There is no dramatic tension anywhere near this film. Nothing happens in the beginning of the movie, very little in the middle and even less in the end.
Sofia Coppola has a famous father and an Oscar. The former is an accident of birth, the latter a travesty. The criteria for being a director should be that you have something important to say with moving pictures not, "My Daddy directed 'The Godfather'". Sofia Coppola is grossly over-rated and her latest film sucks.

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