Friday, July 23, 2010

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of- Inception

I suspect a lot of people will see "Inception" and if you plan to be one of them, make sure you bring your brain that day. You need to be engaged with this movie through the whole two and a half hour experience. But don't worry, it's worth it.
This film challenges both the filmmaker and the audience. It takes a lot of explanation and you'd do well to pay attention to the details. It involves a group of secret-stealers who ply their trade by breaking into the dream state of their target. They invade dreams to either retrieve a secret or implant an idea. The harder the task, the deeper into the dreamer's psyche they need to invade. And if they have to place an idea in someone's head (very difficult) they need to invade at least three levels down into your dream structure. And to complicate matters, time reads differently at each level. At level one, the dream raiders have a time frame of two hours while level two invaders have a time scale of two days. Level three expands so that the time table seems like two weeks. I told ya. Bring your brain. And anytime someone sits down to explain something, PAY ATTENTION! There is a logic to it.
And that may ultimately be the problem. In order for an audience to follow this film, director Christopher Nolan has imposed order on a process that is inherently orderless and illogical. While the physical world of the dream shape-shifts and morphs into amazing worlds, the characters and circumstances of the dream remain very neat and logical. It allows for the action to move forward but it isn't very dreamlike. You know how it goes in your own dreams. Maybe your playing poker in your dorm room when all of a sudden your Mom and your first grade teacher show up with bagel bites and AK-47's. This movie is more concerned with the physical environment being dreamlike than the randomness of plot and character effecting the the dream.
Have I confused you? I know. This stuff is hard to explain. Let's just say that "Inception" is a cool shoot-em-up chase movie with melting walls and crumbling sets.
Is it impressive? Absolutely. Is it a masterpiece? I don't think so. Is it worth the price of admission? Easily, and more. Christopher Nolan is my hero just based on storytelling chutzpah. Dust off your thinking cap and go see "Inception".

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