Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2

Ah, the summer film season begins. Computer generated fun is in the air. 'Tis the season to blow stuff up. Robert Downey Jr. has stashed his Golden Globe for "Sherlock Holmes" (a travesty that will rank with the Pia Zadora win for sheer lunacy) and he's gone back to work, this time donning the iron suit that brought him and director Jon Favreau to hero status for comic book geeks all over the world.
I am not a comic book geek. I am a geek, just not a comic book geek. But I did love the quirkiness of the first Iron Man. The breezy improv-ed dialogue, the plausible storyline, the engaging characters. It was the best blockbuster of 2-ought-8 by far.
And I liked this one too. It's just that the dialogue seems more forced, the story less plausible, and somehow these same characters aren't nearly as engaging. Go figure.
Iron Man 2 is a more standard entry in the genre of summer blockbuster than the first, but for a standard blockbuster it's got a lot to offer. Downey Jr. and Paltrow have their rapid fire Tracy/Hepburn exchanges. But here, a little forced. There's a good bad guy with cool electricity whips for hands (really, Mickey Rourke doesn't need 'em, he's plenty scary on his own). And as for story, well, this Iron Man doesn't overly concern itself with plot, ya know, just like most action blockbusters. It's not as good as the first but get butter on the popcorn and munch away happily for two hours like I did.
One thing this film does have. Scarlett Johanson's leather-wrapped rump gets a lot of well deserved screen time (teenage boys of all ages, rejoice!) Generally, I'm not the kind of guy who thinks that a great butt can save a movie, but this is really quite spectacular. It must be worth at least an extra 18 mil over the life of the run.
Oh and geeky fanboys, y'all should stay for the credits. I mentioned that I am not a comic book geek, but I run in their circles, and I have been schooled this weekend. Schooled in Norse mythology to be precise. Stick it out through the 37,000 people who made IM 2 and you might find a little present from Thor. Let the 2011 Summer games begin!

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