Thursday, October 15, 2009

Girding The Loins-Asian Style

I only saw the trailer, and I may be behind the times on this, but John Woo (THE Asian action director) has a film coming to American screens soon. It's called "Red Cliff" and let me tell you guys, this one will make your man parts all tingly. A huge sweeping battle epic with millions of CGI'd Chinese warriors set in 3rd century China, oh and did I mention it's John Woo? The trailer looks fantastic. It was released in Asia in 2008 and already has a zillion Asian awards (Best Foriegn film-Japan, Art direction, costume design, special FX, even an acting award from the Hong Kong equivalent of the Oscars) I hope it lives up to my already-sky-high expectations. Men--eat sausage, drink beer and see this movie. Charles are you listening?

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